Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Times of Change - Thursday

Farmer Nguyen by W.D. Ehrhart

Massacre at My Lai by Hugh Thompson

A Nun at Ninh Hoa by Jan Barry

What do these two poems and the article say about the impact of the war on the native Vietnamese? Can you think of any other ways in which the war will impact the native Vietnamese?

- Some vietnamese civilians didn't know who to help. If they helped the wrong side, then they would get beat up or killed.

- Many innocent people were murdered and not just accidently killed. Everything was intentional by the U.S. Troops.
- To get our of their misery since they didn't have religious freedom anymore, Buddhists would set fire to themselves in public places.
- Families would be split apart and many kids would be in orphanages.
- American troops take their food so they may not have any to feed their families.


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