Monday, May 14, 2007

Has MLK's "dream" been realized? - Labor

African Americans, Hispanics and Asians, have made a large improvement in the labor force. From 1980's to recent time, there has been a double in how many African Americans work. Hispanics have quadrupled their labor but Asians have only gone up a little.

Females have a larger percent in the work force than African Americans. African Americans have found to have their largest percent of jobs in community and social services. This means that they are very locally involved with what is happening around them. Hispanics and Asians don't have as large of a percent and many aren't in work. African Americans are also not as much into farming as they used to be in the past.

African Americans and other minority groups should push theirselves harder education wise which has been a great improvement in the last 20 years, and they should try to get higher jobs like chief executives and high ranking positions. Many minority groups have brought theirselves a lot more in the education department and are getting better work as time goes on


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